Report management with 3manager
We have designed 3manager equipment reports to be very flexible and adaptive to any printer reporting needs, from meter readings, printer audit insights, contract overview, and much more. Check out the video below to see it in action.
Choose between hundreds of data fields. Create exactly what you need.
Depending on your need, you can choose between many data fields based on either automated data collections or manually added data.
Click the data field configure link, and the menu opens, and it's now up to you to choose.

Download instantly or send by mail, webhook, FTP as Excel, CSV, PDF, XML.
How would you like to receive the report, and how often?
The Equipment report gives you the ability to download or schedule daily, weekly, monthly, every xx days with a start date you choose. It supports all the needed formats like Excel, CSV, XML, PDF, and by the way, we also have added the templates required to send data to partners like Evatic, Santi, Jim2, BMS, SDF, and as JSON.
If you would like to get the reports using a Webhook, we support that too.
Save time and reduce errors with smart mapping and templates.
The more devices you have, the more time-demanding it gets, and the risks of making errors grow by the number.
We have solved that by using smart filters and templates.
Choose the criteria, and the report will do the rest. Below you see an example requiring that a device be marked as managed.

Order columns with drag and drop as you like.
Do you need a specific order of columns? No problem. drag the field right or left and place it where you want it. That's it

Here are some examples of reports and templates you can build with The Equipment Report configurator
Meter reading reports for billing purposes
Choose between all available counters tracked. Schedule it as an automated report or show what a counter was at a specific time.
Volumes / pages printed
Do you need to know the pages printed last 30 days or maybe last calendar month, so you benefit from all days in the month for billing? Get the actual volumes or the average volumes printed every month. Choose between specific or pre-defined periods.
Devices with high toner waste
Easily pin out devices with a big toner waste problem, making it quick and easy to focus on the suitable devices to help reduce costs.
Over- or under-utilized printers
With data from thousands of devices, quickly access the ones utilized with more than 100% of the recommended volume per month, or 81% all depending on your needs. You control the filter.
Printer health/critical errors
Quickly identify printers with critical errors, including descriptions of errors, severity, alert age, and much more.
New business opportunities
What defines a business opportunity for you? High utilization? Contract end of life within three months, it's a color device, and volume is +15K per year? You define your definitions with the Equipment report.
New devices discovered
Get a daily report with new devices discovered by your clients, so it's easy to keep track of what's going on.
Planned replacements
You plan to replace the printers when it makes sense from a cost perspective, but when? If you add the information to 3manager, you can quickly get a report with planned dates for replacements.
Inventory lists
Quickly get an overview of all printers' locations with addresses, buildings, sites, floors, departments, and much more. Everything from one view
Audit reports
Get all the data needed per device with the many audit data options. For example, quickly understand current volume, utilization, recommended category, future need, costs, comments, and even which account manager made the audit.
Marketing campaign targeting
You want to run a marketing campaign to all clients with color printers with a high utilization because you can document savings. Not a problem. Add the query in 3manager, and you will get a list of clients and devices for your marketing campaign.
... and the list goes on
You can combine all data fields in one report to support the exact need for a report. Here is an example of a report showing future printer actions.

To sum it up...
Who can use this report? Anyone who has an interest in using data to make good decisions.
Why spend hours on analyzing data, when you can get it quickly, processed, and ready?
Whether you are in sales, tech, management, the Equipment report will make your life easier when it comes to printer data management.
The Equipment report will deliver your needed reports instantly with a flexibility never seen before.
Easily create any report from meter reading reports to forecasting reports. When you first start mastering the Equipment report you will quickly incorporate it into your daily routines, whether it's for quick insights to status meetings or to ongoing customer reporting.